Friday, February 17, 2012

Pro Tips For Inline Pond Pumps

Inline Pump Installation
Locate the pond pump as close to the source as possible. It is best to have your main (longest) run of pipe on the discharge side of the pump.

Flooded Suction
Install the pump outside the pond, and below the surface level of the pond to create a flooded suction. This will help ensure a proper and consistent supply of water to the pump. The inline pond pump will not operate properly and may be damaged if the water supply is not constant. A flooded suction may be retained with a supply line that runs up and over the pond wall and back down below the water surface, as long as all air has been removed from the line.

Non-Flooded Suction
If installation of a flooded suction is not possible, the following is recommended:
Position the pond pump as low as possible and as near the source as possible. Install a priming pot on the pump inlet. Install a foot valve or a check valve in the inlet below the water level. Always prime the entire inlet line, priming pot, and pond pump before turning it on. DO NOT RUN PUMP DRY!

These suggestions mey help you avoid most common installation problems.


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