Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Aquatic Plant Management - Cattails


Cattails are swamp land plants that have flat narrow or broad leaves, depending on the species and can grow to 3 or 10 feet in height. Flowers form at the end of the leaves that look like hotdogs on a stick!! Cattails might be partially submerged or in boggy areas around the eadge of the pond water. Cattails spread vigorously, because their seeds blow in the wind and are also invasive because they spread through their root system called rhizomes along the shallower edge of the pond.
Eliminating Cattails
·         Cattails can be leveled or mowed or the rhizomes (roots) can be pulled up. Timing is very important if you decide to mow or cut your cattails. Cutting them in May will activate growth, so wait until late summer if you are only going to cut once. If you raze the cattails below the water line two or three times a season, very few cattails will grow back the following year. Your cutting will deprive the roots of their important food source and reduced the amount for storage. Don't waste your time cutting in the winter, it will have very little effect on the food in the roots of the plant.

·         Use the Beachroller Weed Eliminator to cut weeds at the root. Then use the Weed Raker to rake up the weeds from the lake bottom.

·         Take a proactive approach to pond management. Use BactiMax,  CleanMax and Muck Digester for beneficial bacteria and Pond Dye to keep your pond looking great.

·         Improve oxygen levels by installing a pond and lake aerator. To obtain & keep a healthy vibrant pond, the key is aeration.

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