Saturday, May 4, 2019

How to identify and control Filamentous Algae

What does Filamentous Algae look like?

What is Filamentous Algae?

Individual algae cells that connect to make together to make long visible strings and can become matted.

Where does it grow?

Filamentous algae starts to grow at the bottom in the shallow part of ponds and can grow on rocks in the shallow waters also. Filamentous algae can float to the surface and collect together forming mats. There are several species of this algae and many can be living in the pond at one time.

Pros and Cons of Filamentous Algae:

Parts of submersed aquatic plants are beneficial because it provides habitat for bugs and worms and in turn this is food for fish and wildlife like reptiles and birds. Although Filamentous algae has no direct food value for wildlife, as it dies off, the bacteria and fungi from decomposition provides food for aquatic bugs.

Management Options for Filamentous Algae:

There are many types of weed removal products on the market that can cut down and remove the weeds, and it certainly makes the job so much easier. It is important to remove as much as possible because many of these plants can regrow from fragments left in the pond.
For Filamentous algae you can use a lake rake or weed raker with net and a long pole to remove from the pond.
Non-toxic pond dye can prevent or reduce the growth of aquatic plants by blocking sunlight , however this can also suppress the natural food chain in the pond.

Ultra Clear Liquid Concentrate

Farm Blue Dry Packs

We offer two choices of all natural pond dye in liquid and dry packs. Both types are very concentrated as you can see with this small amount added to the pond.
Finally, to keep the algae growth down and to push whatever does grow towards the shore for easier removal, a floating aerating fountain would be ideal for larger ponds and lakes, and great for aeration is a lake aerator. For smaller ponds, a decorative pond fountain will aerate as well but make a beautiful display while keeping the algae at bay!! For larger lakes that need aeration but want a larger water display, a floating lake fountain would be more appropriate.
To take a look at all of our pond and lake products and also see more blogs and videos, please go to

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